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Restaurant First Aid Kits


Make Sure Your Restaurant Is Equipped for Kitchen Accidents

It’s no secret that cooking comes with more than a few risks. Accidents happen all the time in kitchens, from cuts and scrapes, to burns, to falls. Equipping your restaurant with a fully stocked first aid kit is essential to ensuring the safety of all of your kitchen staff. What’s more, restaurant first aid kits also keep your customers safer in the event of other injuries on your premises. 


ProStat First Aid offers a wide selection of high-quality first aid kits perfect for commercial kitchens, restaurants, and other establishments where food is prepared. Our first aid kits come fully stocked with all of the medical supplies you need to keep workers and customers safe, as well as to keep your place of business in compliance with OSHA regulations and safety standards. We pride ourselves on industry-leading quality, service, and speed. Get in touch with our team today to order your restaurant first aid kits!

Our First Aid Kits for Restaurants and Commercial Kitchens

Identifying the exact type of first aid kit needed for a restaurant can be tricky. However, most restaurants will be best-served with a Class A first aid kit that contains plenty of supplies for treating both lacerations and burns. Here are just a few of our most popular first aid kits found in restaurant settings:


3 Shelf Class A Industrial with Liner #613A

ProStat First Aid Kit 0613 is a wall-mounted Class A first aid cabinet perfectly suited to meet the needs of many restaurants. As a cabinet, this first aid solution contains a greater amount of medical supplies than most first aid kits, which is ideal for a setting where minor injuries are fairly common. This kit provides the means to handle most common medical issues, including gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, nitrile gloves, bandages, and supplies for treating burns.

#50 Class A Steel (0650A) or Plastic (0670A)

The Class A kits 0650 and 0670 are portable first aid kit options for restaurant settings. The #50 kits come in either steel or plastic cases, making this item flexible enough to be housed either within a kitchen or in a restaurant office. The #50 kits includes a wide variety of medical supplies, including less common items such as ammonia inhalant, sting wipes, and eye pad strips.

Common Restaurant Medical Issues

While restaurants don’t typically carry as high of an injury risk as industrial settings, there are still many injuries and medical issues that commonly occur within restaurants. Here are some of the most common issues that your first aid kit must be able to address:


Cuts and Punctures


Sprains and Strains

Wherever knives are involved, cuts and puncture wounds are always a risk. Cuts are highly common in kitchen settings, as chefs and line cooks work with a variety of sharp implements to prepare food. This means any restaurant first aid kit should be well stocked with appropriate materials such as bandages and gauze. 

Possibly even more common than cuts, burns happen almost every day in restaurants and commercial kitchens. This is simply a side-effect of working with hot ovens, boiling water, frying oil, and other common kitchen items. Restaurant first aid kits should provide adequate supplies for treating burns, potentially more so than any other workplace. 

From slips and falls to injuries sustained while carrying heavy equipment, sprains and strains are also relatively common in restaurant settings. Restaurant first aid kits should contain wraps, braces, painkillers, and other medical supplies necessary for treating such injuries promptly.

What should be in a restaurant first aid kit?

Most restaurants and commercial kitchens will be best-served with a Class A first aid kit. A restaurant first aid kit should also provide ample supplies for dealing with injuries common within restaurants, particularly puncture wounds and burns.

Contact ProStat to Learn More About Our First Aid Kits!

ProStat First Aid has the right first aid kits and medical supplies for any establishment where food is prepared, including restaurants and commercial kitchens. Our first aid kits come fully stocked and can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business, with additional supplies available for treating the most common injuries in restaurant settings. We also specialize in custom first aid kits, complete with your logo and branding. 


If you have questions about what type of first aid kit is best for your restaurant, or if you’re unsure how many first aid kits will effectively keep your workers and customers safe, our service reps are here to help! We’re standing by to assess the risk level of your business and help you choose the perfect first aid kit. Contact us today to get started!


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ProStat First Aid
1643 Puddingstone Drive
La Verne, CA 91750

© 2021 ProStat First Aid. All rights reserved.

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